It’s a really scary thought for most parents that eighty per cent of the learning our children get comes from them watching what we model and copying us!
Read MoreThere is the risk, especially with babies, that women can take over parenting and assume (or have thrust upon them) an ‘expert’ role which Dads can go along with play visual games and are verbal with babies and young children while dads are more physical and tactile.
Read MoreDo you live with a teenager? Or do you have children that you get on with pretty well right now but are worried that this harmony may disappear if they morph into Kevin the teenager?
Read MoreWhat parent has not heard of the ‘naughty Step’? It is one of the main sound bites from the Super Nanny program with Jo Frost and indeed if I earnt money for every one of my clients who mentions discipline and the naughty step in the same sentence I would be a millionaire!
Read MoreMany families across the country have children doing exams at the moment. Many children are frustrated because they’re inside revising while it’s sunny outside.
Read MoreHave you ever heard that line? Has your child ever just blankly refused to do what you’ve asked? Is there anything more infuriating to a parent than sheer defiance?
Read MoreUp until the 20th century, children entered adult society earlier and were surrounded by adults providing examples - they worked alongside adults.
Read More“I have NO friends” are words that no parent ever wants to hear from their child. A few years ago I remember having to pop into my child’s school during playtime.
Read MoreWhat kind of so-called parenting experts say don’t call your child clever? Since the sixties haven’t we been exhorted to extol the virtues of our children ad nauseam in the hope of building self esteem and encouraging desirable behaviours?
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