Girls and the Power of Words (Ebook)

Girls and the Power of Words (Ebook)


If you are a parent of a girl, you may be wondering how to support your daughter to be the best she’s capable of, to have her feel cherished, to encourage a healthy self-esteem as well as wanting to shield her from all the nasties out there in the world. Our daughters are facing challenges and pressures in ways they never have before. At the same time girls are growing up in an era of ‘girl power’ where they are encouraged to believe they are capable of anything. Perhaps those two conflicting forces come together to create a situation where girls struggle to voice what they need and how they feel. Sometimes their words come out mean. And then we parents struggle with words too.

This e-book is about words, the power of words to create and to heal relationships. Words are especially important to girls. They tend to be adept with them and they use them to build relationships more than boys who focus more on activities. Her words are attempts to engage and to be heard, to connect. But sometimes her words can hurt too.

Girls are likewise especially vulnerable to the effect of words, so parents need to be careful to listen to the real message behind her words and to respond with compassion and understanding.