Creating Happy Motivated Learners (Ebook)

Creating Happy Motivated Learners (Ebook)


Most parents agree that they want to bring out the best in their children, they want them to do well at school and be happy. However, at the end of the day parents and children can experience homework horrors especially around preparing for the 7+. Parents can end up nagging and chivvying and it can be upsetting for both the child and the parent. Both can feel frustrated, resentful and stressed, resulting in pendulum parenting techniques ranging from threats and coercion, through to bribery and material incentives. Parents feel the pressure that their children need to do well to survive in a competitive world and want to support them in any way they can to help them get an edge and succeed. Parents need to support children to do their best without over pressuring, over controlling or over protecting them

This E book covers:

  • How to set things up so that the homework session is much more likely to be successful

  • How to engage with your child so they want to get on and do their best independently

  • How to motivate children and to foster a love of learning and a belief in themselves as learners

  • The long-term negative impact of using material rewards to incentivise

  • How to focus on the positive aspects of your child’s behaviour and performance, no matter how small they are

  • How to encourage your child to try hard, to persevere and to improve their work

  • How to develop resilience and positive ways of responding to set backs.